Monday, October 17, 2016

So WHY the Whole 30....What's the Big Deal

So I have had a LOT of questions, comments, concerns, push back for my reasoning in deciding to tackle the Whole 30 as a family. Here's the thing I don't necessarily know if this is going to prove, figure out, decide ANYTHING. What I know is that sometimes we come to a point in our life where we are just FED UP. As moms, as the care takers and the matriarch of our families we want to do what is best for THEM. I have done A LOT of research and I believe in the power of educating myself about how I (we) can do better. At the end of the day I feel and research shows that FOOD is POWER and what we fuel our bodies with has an effect on MANY aspects of the human body. So if we can control what we put in to our bodies and that creates a negative or positive outcome; then its importance we pay attention to them.

So what is Whole 30. Well its essentially a short nutritional reset of our bodies. Its designed to help crave those nasty unhealthy habits and cravings, restore a healthy metabolism and balance our immune systems. If yall have followed me for long you know my kiddos STRUGGLE with weak immune systems; from Jayden's severe allergies/asthma, Kayleb's weakened immune system from heart surgery and Landyn's hasn't been near as bad as his two older brothers but he has definitely struggled. I personally have strong hormonal imbalance, PCOS and Hypothyroidism and depression like symptoms. Research has shown that dairy, sugar, grains and legumes all contribute to some if not all of these things. Over the past 4 years as a health and fitness coach we have come A LONG way. But I also know sometimes some of those unhealthy habits start to creep back in (especially after holidays, vacations, extended family time, etc). We have always focused on the 80/20 rule when it comes to our eating but we felt as a family it was time to dial it up a notch.

The Plan  -

So the awesome thing is that for the next 30 days we will focus on non processed, clean, whole, fruits, vegetables, protein and healthy carbohydrates. Which isn't entirely far off from what we have already been doing. But we are going to be eating foods that promote a healthy psyhological response, healthy hormonal response, foods that support a healthy gut and proper immune function and minimize inflammation.

Here is my Meal Plan for the first week. 

Note: I know that on the Whole30 they say no to Shakeology but I am going to make my own modifications on that. Yes I know that its not laid out that way but I PERSONALLY know and feel strongly about keeping Shakeology as a part of my routine. End of DISCUSSION. 

We hope to not only help promote healthier lifestyle choices for our kiddos; but empower them to make those decisions, opening their minds and more importantly and the bottom line is to heal our bodies from the inside out. 


  1. So proud of you for taking this challenge! I hope that it helps with your kiddos health. There have been several teachers at my work who did the Whole 30 and said it was hard at first, but they really enjoyed it after getting used to it! Good luck on this journey!

    1. Thanks girl I am excited about it......I know its challenging but hey I am always up for the challenge.
