Week 1 of the Whole 30 is under our belts and we are rocking into Week 2. I won't lie and say it wasn't tough but now that we are on the flip side I'm so proud that we pushed through. One of the things I did before starting was made sure and research what to expect as we started our journey. Thankful the Whole30 website gives a very descriptive timeline as to what to expect and man we're they spot on. Monday was great because well it was Day 1. Tuesday was great all day and then around 7:30pm I had a MONSTROUS migraine I'm talking in tears and still had to lead a conference call BUT I knew it was coming. Jayden didn't experience any headaches be first two days which I was very thankful of and Eric didn't report any either. The babies were a little bit more irritable than normal but I expected that from them since there were no typical goldfish or animal crackers. Wednesday I woke up full of energy and then by 1030 I CRASHED and so did the babies. Jayden crashed when he got home and then had a game that evening. Thurs/Friday I lived in this brain fog just kind of going through the motions AND everyone was EXTREMELY IRRITABLE but we SURVIVED. I took it easy on my workouts last week because I knew it was going to be rough and thankful I am back at it hard now on Day 9 and while weight has absolutely nothing to do with why we are doing this. I'm down a crazy 7lbs from Monday of last week.
Jayden struggled a few days with temptations (mainly when we went to the State Fair which was hard for both of us) but I'm so proud of how far he's come and the improvements I've seen in him. He hasn't reported ANY headaches since we started. He's slept great every night and his eczema is slowly starting to see progress. This week has already started off better and I'm so excited for what's to come. I feel like we have come out of a fog and are making huge progress. We were able to make it through a school lunch together and stayed on track as well.
I've had a lot of questions about what we've eaten and how the boys have done. Eric has ate and approved of almost everything. Jayden has ate everything and we've been able to try new things and figure out which things he's like and hasn't liked. He's finding lunches he enjoys taking as well. It hasn't all been easy with getting the boys to try new things and I won't lie and say there hasn't been some resistance, but everyone is alive, breathing and growing so I will call that a win. In the grand scheme of things this is only 30 days of or lives and could help A WHOLE LOT.
Here's a look back at some of the meals we've had.
We have found that breakfast pretty much stays the same for us.
Sausage of some sort (either Chicken Sausage or Homemade Sausage I made).
Saturday I made some Banana/Egg Pancakes and while they are not technically Whole 30 approved as in the concept of a pancake. They are Whole30 compliant ingredients and it sufficed our normal Saturday morning ritual of Pancakes for the boys not Eric and I.
For lunches I have been either having leftover or a plate of veggies, guac and tuna or my Wholesome Shakeology and Jayden’s been taking a variety of things. He’s found that he likes tuna and salmon, carrots, a variety of fruit and applesauce.
Dinners were probably my favorite, I found that I am finding a new love of cooking and every single dinner was something new for all of us except for spaghetti squash.
Here's a look at what we had for dinner each night and you can also click on the name of each meal to get the recipe.
Monday - Roasted Chicken w/Balsamic Roasted Sweet Potatoes (Sidenote: I used the carcass from the whole chicken to make homemade chicken broth.)
Tuesday - Ground Meat w/ Homemade Tomato Sauce and Spaghetti Squash
Wednesday - Slower Cooker Beef Brisket & Butternut Squash Soup
Thursday - Chicken Sausage and Veggies
Friday - Oven Baked Salmon and Veggies with Red Pepper Sauce
Sunday - Perfect seared chicken, potatoes and cabbage slaw
Week 2
We are geared up to start week 2 and ready to hit the ground running. Eric left for Chicago yesterday and is out of town until Wednesday. He has a plan and is working to stay on track while he is out of town. Jayden and the babies and I are holding down the fort at home with a solid plan even with my sister in town. Heres a quick preview of what we are eating. Recipes will be up later this week.
Our Week 2 Whole 30 Meal Plan
I will say 2 days into this week and my energy level is through the roof I am working out every day using Core De Force or Insanity Max 30 and feeling great. I'm going to bed much easier and waking up on my own without an alarm I also feel extremely freeing. It's been a personal struggle in my spirituality over the past several weeks and in experiencing this with my family is allowing me to connect more with God as crazy as that sounds. I am spending more time in prayer and devotion with him and really working to help mold myself and our family in to the best version we can and for that I am extremely happy.