This week was bit more calm, less activities, appointments, etc and not much has changed on any fronts. Monday was officially fourteen days of the antibiotic and also my second OB appointment and sonogram. Due to all of my issues I will be at the doctors office pretty much every two to three weeks to check on things. Baby is looking great and growing; he/she is measuring just a few days short of my actual date; which isn't anything new with my kiddos. All of my blood work came back great and things on the pregnancy side look great.
The lump on my throat hasn't subsided at all so I called and made an appointment with the ENT. I saw him on Wednesday and we decided to schedule an additional sonogram at twelve weeks. This would allow us time to decide if we are going to proceed with the biopsy since that is a more opportune time for myself and for the baby.
The ENTIRE family has been sick this week which has been brutal. Eric was diagnosed with strep throat and Jayden shortly followed with the flu. Everyone is on some sort of antibiotic including myself (tamiflu because doctor didn't want to risk it). I leave for LA at the end of this week for a conference so I cannot afford to be sick.
How far along?
8 Weeks
Weight Gain
I am up 6lbs from pre pregnancy weight but honestly I am attributing that to the CRAP I overloaded on last week with the emotionally induced stressed week. Time to get back on track with nutrition.
How big is baby?
A raspberry
What's baby up to this week?
Head is proportionally bigger than the rest and ears and eyelids are developing. Fingers and toes are developing from the buds and baby now as wrists. Heart rate is 140-170
Nothing honestly I keep saying I forget I am pregnant. I mean with 3 kiddos exhaustion and lack of sleep is a regular soooooo that's nothing new.
Maternity Clothes?
NO and my plan is to go as long as possible. Thankfully my work attire consists of workout clothes everyday so praying I make it this go round
With two toddlers who fight sleep like nothing else and a husband who works nice this is give or go on any given night.
Missing Anything?
Nothing really yet other than a nice glass of wine, or mexican drink. Thankfully I have been through THREE pregnancies during the summer so I know the struggle I am about to face of not having a beverage outside sitting by the pool.
SWEETS, SWEETS, AND MORE SWEETS. Just like my other pregnancies my go to's are gummy bears, sweedish fish and Fruity Pebbles. Not exactly on my clean eating plan which is why nutrition is going back to the basics in the coming weeks.
Cooking dinner at night or the smell of cooking food. I can meal plan and prep like a fool but by the time dinner rolls around totally not feeling it and makes me gag.
I have been an emotional wreck the past several weeks with everything being thrown at us. Trying to control the emotions but easier said than done.
Nope I would hope not lol.
Best Moment of the week
Telling the kiddos they were going to be getting a new baby brother or sister. It's wasn't anything huge, we were just lounging around having a lazy Saturday morning in bed with cartoons and everyone was in our bed AS ALWAYS. Eric and I were talking about something and he started to play the "Jayden we have something to tell you" I had wanted to wait to tell them because I hadn't told my parents yet and I knew once we told Jayden he wouldn't be able to keep a secret lol. Eric finally told him and he didn't believe us for the longest (probably because we have played this trick on him before) lol finally we told him we weren't joking and he was like ok WHAT IS IT lol. He was actually able to keep the secret for a couple of weeks until we told Mom and Dad. Kayleb now refers to it has "MY BABY" which should be interesting given he's the bully of the family.
Pregnancy Brain Moments
I would forget my head if it wasn't attached lol enough said.
Looking forward to?
LA this weekend with 200 other coaches. This is my first invite only event and I am so excited.
Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Negatory if this child is another boy then welp there is really no need other than diapers lol.
Was much better this week compared to last I was able to get 2-3 workouts in along with some yoga and stretching. I am finding that its a difficult balance of both pregnancy (especially first trimester) and adrenal fatigue so I am trying to find my groove.
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