This week has been a SERIOUS stretch. We are going on 2 weeks of everyone being sick. Eric had strep, then Jayden got the flu. I'm pretty sure the babies had it, so we treated them as if they did. To say that took a toll on this momma is a complete understatement. This weekend I wanted to do NOTHING but sleep. Jayden missed an entire week in a half of school and then next week is his Spring Break. So all three kids non stop at home, sick, not sleeping and irritable makes for one tired momma.
This week I did have my genetics blood test on Monday, which will tell us if the nugget has any genetics issue as well as the gender! SAY WHHHAAT. I am going to attempt to keep it a surprise for a little bit, if I can.
A quick update on the lumps on my throat. The left one appears to have gotten moderately larger by the touch. Before you could not really feel the left one at all and this week you could. The right one has grown slightly. I touched base with the ENT who wanted to proceed with the next sonogram instead of waiting. So that is scheduled for Monday morning as well as my next OB sonogram/appointment. If you haven't guessed already, I was in no mood to take a picture this week.
How far along?
10 Weeks
Weight Gain
Holding steady at 6lbs
How big is baby?
A prune
What's baby up to this week?
All of baby's organs are forming and beginning to function. She is also growing tiny nails on her toes and fingers as well as the start of teeth.
Nothing really again I keep saying I forget that I am pregnant (which is crazy to me) although I did feel slightly more bloated this week and of course the peeing non stop and in the middle of the night gets old. But after training for a fitness competition last year and having to drink multiple gallons a day its not unusual for me to have to pee a lot.
Maternity Clothes?
No and I actually feel really good this week. I took a gander at some pics from Kaylebs pregnancy (Baby #2) and decided I was going to kind of compare journeys; since well #3 didn't really do a whole lot of pics.
Somewhat better this week but on the tail end of all of this sicknesses it was quite brutal. I finally slept through the night last night and so did everyone else PRAISE THE LORD. I will say my body has been naturally waking me up at 5am without my alarm and just being wide awake. As opposed to past pregnancies where at this point in time I couldn't pull myself out of bed. I do try and make it a point to take a nap during the day though if at least for 30 minutes. I find it helps my energy so much in the afternoon; doesn't always happen but I attempt to.
Missing Anything?
Have I said a glass of wine (insert eye roll) 3 boys (4 including the hubby) 2 weeks of sickness and just irritable momma desperate need of a glass of wine. Also, sleep but that is nothing new.
RANDOM - One night my bestie texted me when I hadn't cooked my planned dinner with what she was having (Panda Express) and I instantly had a craving for it and had to get it. I don't even like Chinese food, AT ALL, but I sure did that night.
Nothing really this week, was finally able to cook and stand it so that was good.
For the most part I was just exhausted this week. I did become quite the raging biotch on Sunday when momma had just had enough. I got over it by the end of the night but I was on one and no one needed to be in my warpath.
Nope I would hope not.
Best Moment of the week
Knowing that we will know the gender soon is pretty cool. I have never (LIKE EVER ask anyone) said I wanted a girl but I would be lying if I didn't say a small part of me is hoping for one. Though I have no idea what I would do! I feel like this pregnancy is going about the same as others and if that's any indication of the past I am betting I am going to be extremely outnumbered!!
Pregnancy Brain Moments
I was out to lunch with a friend at a restaurant I frequent regularly. I order the same thing every time, I don't even need a menu. So I ordered what I assumed was my normal only to realize I had confused the meat! The waitress must of thought I was crazy when I was like "oh this is not what I wanted." I am totally blaming this on pregnancy brain.
Looking forward to?
Sonogram next week I always love because it gives me a piece of mind and I get to see the nugget; I guess you could say that's one perk of being High Risk, I get more pictures. Plus finding out what we are having and figuring out how we are going to tell everyone!
Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Not yet
This week felt like normal and it was wonderful. Got almost all but one workout in for the week and even went on a 3 mile walk/jog with the kids at our normal trail. It felt AMAAZING. Finally feeling like I am back in my old groove. I restarted Core De Force and really dialling in on my nutrition. I said from the beginning I wanted this to be my healthiest pregnancy yet and while that hasn't been necessarily the case as much as I would have liked I feel like I am on a good path. Thinking of starting another round of Whole30 next week and getting really back on track.
So I was looking back at my old pregnancy photos and thought it would be kind of fun to compare pictures as I go along in this journey. In my line of work pictures are HUGE in showing transformation. MAN if a picture doesn't say a 1000 words. I am an ENTIRELY different person this go around and even with the health issues, I am so much healthier with this baby than with ANY of my other pregnancies. It's kind of cool and satisfying at the same time. People say it all the time, you can't get healthy after having kids, or there is no hope as a mom of littles. I beg to differ with ya.
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