Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Week 13 - UGH not my favorite week

This by far has been my LEAST favorite week of this pregnancy. The week started off great I was feeling AMAZING, nutrition was on point, exercise was great, just loving life AND then that all changed on Wednesday. Tuesday the boys and I took a stroll to the park, I had worked out that morning and then we went on a slight walk/job after we had a picnic lunch. Let me preface this by saying I have a really high pain tolerance. In fact after the last 2 pregnancies the nurses thought I was crazy because I barely wanted any ibu immediately after giving birth let alone and of the strong stuff. I also suffer from cysts on my ovaries and can take them to a pretty high tolerance before it has be doubling over. So Tuesday morning when I felt a little cramping (were talking SUPER minor) in my book I didn't think anything of it, but I noted it in my brain. Went about my day had a great day with the kiddos, felt amazing, nothing out of the ordinary. Tuesday's are my late night's because I have team calls and so by the time I rolled around to getting in the shower it was almost 11:30pm. By this time Eric had gone to work and everyone was asleep.

Sitting in the drs office not particularly happy. 

A little TMI but I had on black underwear that day and then some green running shorts, with that stupid white liner in that we all hate. Well when I went to go take a shower I noticed that in the liner (not my underwear since it was black and which is probably why I didn't notice it all day) that there was blood. Of course this immediately raised some red flags because well I don't ever spot and then I remembered the cramps from earlier. Needless to say I didn't sleep much that night and when 8:30 rolled around the next morning I called the dr. Who told me to go ahead and come in so they could check me out. I told him what I had noticed (to which he also asked if I had worked out that day) which he already knew the answer too lol since he knows how I am. He checked my cervix and saw a little spotting and little girl was moving a 100 miles and hour but he was able to finally get her heartbeat with the doppler thing. But to be on the safe side he wanted me to wait and have a sonogram done.

I had a feeling going into the sonogram that I knew where this was headed (but I was praying I was wrong). As she did the sonogram she basically what she saw was that my placenta (which should normally be at the top above baby) was at the bottom and literally covering my cervix. So what was happening was every time I worked out or did anything strenuous it was breaking those blood vessels which was causing me to bleed and cramp. We had to wait to confirm but I knew this meant NO MORE WORKING OUT for the time being. He walked into his office and confirmed the inevitable that for the time being I had to stop running, and working out. I could walk (to which I responded could I do some Yoga even though I HATE yoga but I needed something) and he said yes a moderate yoga. Basically nothing that was going to put pressure on my pelvic area; including sex (sorry hunny). With me only being 13 weeks he was not going to call it placenta previa (as that's diagnosed later on) and the hope is that it will migrate to the top like its supposed to and then all will gone on as scheduled. My next appointment is schedule for April 3rd and I am PRAYING that it has migrated because I am feeling great and want to continue on this healthy journey BUT at the end of the day the goal is to keep baby girl and I healthy and so that's the plan.

Saturday was SUCH a fun day because we let Jayden find out and tell the world that we were having a girl. His facial expressions were quite priceless. #momfail of the week was taking pictures with the DLSR camera and didn't realize the SD card wasn't in there so no pictures but did capture it on video and it was quite hilarious.

Check it out here. 

The rest of the week was pretty low key UNTIL Eric, Kayleb and I so unfortunately got food poisoning. Sunday was a gorgeous day outside and we haven't grilled in a while so I decided I wanted to do hot dogs and hamburgers. Our Target is in the process of remodeling and I think somewhere the hot dogs must have been left out to long or something because the 3 of us were the only ones who had them and it was awful. It started Sunday night and lasted all day Monday. I went ahead and went to the dr to get checked out because I was cramping really bad and bleeding again and concerned something was wrong. Thankfully everything checked out ok and the doctor prescribed me some phenegren which did wonders.

Weight Gain
Down 5lbs thanks to food poisoning so total of 8lbs gained. 

How big is baby?
A peach or peapod

What's baby up to this week?
Baby girl's head and body are proportionally growing more in size. She is moving like crazy and flexing her arms and legs. All of which we can hear and see on the sonogram SO CUTE.  

Other than the bleeding and cramping we had no.

Maternity Clothes?
Nope and this week with everything that has been going on thankful I can just lounge around in sweats.

Good except the occasional to get up and pee but other than the one sleepless night and then the night everyone got sick I have slept fairly well. 

Missing Anything?
WORKING OUT and FOOD man oh man. I am truly missing my sweat dripping workouts. I know its for the greater good but its so hard to not do something you have become so accustomed to. 
The ability to EAT again. Yesterday and today have been the first full days I have felt like eating and man have I missed food so much.  

Pretty much EVERYTHING since Sunday. I honestly feel so sorry for those who suffer from morning sickness and I am so thankful I haven't experienced it because if its anything like what the past 2 days have been like I would have been dead to the world for 9 months.

This week has been a little of mixed emotions. In the beginning I was sad and down for some it may not seem like a big deal but honestly exercising and working out has become my anxiety and depression drug and so when I don't have that to plug into (and by the time I was able to walk after he said give it a couple of days we came down with food poisoning) so it hit me a little hard. I am praying things will be better by our appointment on Monday and if not will learn to cope with some walking with the boys until I can do more. But until I am learning to channel my energy into everything else. 

I know its crazy but I am almost positive I felt her move when I was laying on the couch just relaxing. I thought I was crazy so of course I googled it and it said that some moms of multiples can feel it as early as 13 weeks WHAAT. I haven't felt much since then so well see if it continues. 

Best Moment of the week
Letting Jayden see what we were having and him being able to tell everyone. I picked him up from Sunday School on Sunday and his teacher (who is friends with me on facebook) asked if I had announced it yet. I told her yes we did yesterday and she said ok good cause he just told me. I said oh he did; she had asked for prayer requests and his little hand shot up and said "yea my mom I am having a baby sister" talk about melt your heart. 

Pregnancy Brain Moments
Nothing really that I can think of

Looking forward to?
Our appointment on Monday and HOPEFULLY some good news.

Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Nothing yet but I am itching to start adding to her closet lol. 

UGH unfortunatley this one has been put on hold until further notice. BUT the good thing is up until the food poisoning incident meals were prepped and planned and ready to go. My goal is to stay dialed in on my nutrition and keep that turned up for the better and hopefully my body will respond appropriately.

Week 12

This week was pretty low key. No appointments or anything crazy happen. I did attempt my first round of photography of the boys (on my own) with my own little make shift studio and put together this little image to announce that we were expecting. I am not going to lie photography is AN ART and while I loooove it I don't know if I have the patience to learn all of it. But I would say for my first round it was pretty good for its use. The pictures TOOTALLY display the boys personalities so it will be interesting to see how they interact with this little girl.

Weight Gain
Up to 11lbs (but I am going to attribute this to me lifting again and hoping it levels out) I don't feel like I have gained that much. 

How big is baby?
A plum

What's baby up to this week?
Baby girl's eyes and face are becoming more defined and starting to take shape as are her nose and little chin. 

Feeling great this week and honestly full of energy (hello 2nd trimester)

Maternity Clothes?
Nope although I can tell a few of my shorts may have to be retired soon. 

Sleep has been much better other than the occasional getting up in the middle of the night to pee. 

Missing Anything?
Nothing really this week. 

Jersey Mikes WEIRD I know. I haven't had a Jersey Mikes sub since I was in college but Eric and I saw a commercial during one of the KU games and then it was all she wrote. We may or may not have had that several times this week. 

Not really anything that stuck out. 

Really happy this week, my energy is back and I am thankful for some great workouts. 


Best Moment of the week
Telling my team, and facebook that we were expecting and seeing everyone's reactions. 

Pregnancy Brain Moments
Ha YES total pregnancy brain. Wednesday Jay had practice and I thought I was getting him there early showing up at 10 til 6 only to realize practice started at 5:30. #momfail for the week. 
Looking forward to?
Jayden's been DYING to know what we are having so next week are going to let him do a little reveal on Facebook live to announce it. 
Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Nothing this week but I have been pinning girl nursery stuff like CRAZY and can't quite decide what I want her room to look like. 

AMAAAZING. This week has been the first in MONTHS where I felt like my routine was back on track. Sunday I prepped all breakfasts and lunches, meals for dinner are planned and I all of my scheduled workouts went GREAT this week as did the couple extra runs I got in. I won't lie and say its been PRETTY AWESOME and I am looking forward to keeping this routine up. The boys and I had a great day at the park and a nice little run around the trail. Loved every minute of it.

This vs. That
I said that when photos would allow I would compare pregnancies. Here's a look at Week 12 of Kayleb and Week 12 of Baby Girl

Week 11

Man was this a fun week. So not only did we have another sonogram and appointment but it was also the week we found out what we were having. Thankfully everything week has been pretty low key. I have felt great, slept good, and my energy has been great. Monday morning I had two appointments an 8am for a sono on the lumps on my throat and then an OB appt at 9 just right upstairs. My throat sonogram showed that both lympnodes had gotten smaller; not by a lot but smaller is better than bigger. Such a huge praise report. So from this point forward we will continue to monitor them and check them every couple of weeks but hopefully we do not have to proceed forward with anything. I proceeded upstairs following the sonogram and as I was riding up the elevator Dr. Ricks nurse called (I already knew it was her calling to tell me she had the results) but when I answered I said "I am on my way up the elevator to the office now I will be there in 2min", to which she responded "Great come see me I have your Nex Gen Results."

I walk in the back way of the office and she immediately asked; do I need to hide these or seal them in an envelope to which I replied NO give it to me. When she said "IT"S A GIRL" I think I almost peed my pants/fainted at the same time. The look of shock on my face was probably enough to explain it all. This TOTALLY completed our family (and I didn't think I would ever really say I was excited about having a girl but I am, I may not know what to do with here lol but I am excited.) As for everything else on the blood work, all genetics test came back great with nothing showing on the radar.

All in an all the appointment went great. Of course I was ecstatic and wanted to find a way to tell Eric that was special. I mean not only is this is our last child but that fact that its a girl just kind of tops it off. So on the way home I stopped at this little cupcake place by our house bought a single cupcake and asked the lady if she could put some pink frosting inside. I also stopped at the store and found these two cute onesies one that said "Sorry boys dad says I can't date until I am 30" and another that said "My grandma made a wish and I came true" (more on that later). I got home and was telling Eric about my appointment (meanwhile I had hid the cupcake). I finished and then just started doing my normal chores when all of a sudden he said soooooo when are they supposed to call you about the genetics test at the same time I came walking around the corner with the cupcake on a plate. His response "What in the world". I told him that if this was our last child I was going to live up every moment and enjoy every step. Him and the boys dove into the cupcake to which his eyes got SUPER big and his response was "ARE YOU SURE" lol I said according to the paper I am about 99.9% sure haha. He later told me "his life may or may not have flashed before his eyes in that moment" oh this little girl is going to have him wrapped around her little fingers. 

At this point I am kind of bursting with joy and I couldn't hold it in. I wanted to tell my parents but again wanted it to be special since well this is going to be their first granddaughter. I had already bought that onesie and even though I knew they were CRAZY busy since it was spring break I really couldn't hold it in. So the boys and I hopped in the car and drove the hour and 15 minutes out to my parents. I had stopped at their local Walmart and picked up 2 more cupcakes as well as a onesie for dad to open. I had called mom just min before to see where she was at. We pulled up to the lodge and it was probably the sweetest thing ever each boy had a present in their hand and when we walked up my mom was on her phone and Kayleb so sweetly said "OH NANA" lol and she looked up completely in shock with what are you guys doing here. Kayleb said we have a present for you. We walked around the corner to find my dad who was also surprised to see us and inside we went for them to show off the boys. Both oblivious to the fact that they had gotten presents. Once mom had pranced them around for a couple of minutes Kayleb finally crawled up on the table and said "Nana I am going to eat your cupcake." At this point I am snapping photos with my moms DSLR camera (you would think she would know I was up to something lol but NO.) She bites into the cupcake and says "mmmm good" and proceeds to share with the boys. At this point I said "mom whats in the middle" as she dips her finger into it and says "mmm I don't know it must be strawberry" (facepalm to the head) I said mom open you package; and her response (facepalm) "What package" to which she looks in the bottom of the bag. She opens the tissue papered wrapped onesie and her face was seriously PRICELESS. If anyone knows my mom they know every child I have she has wished it would be a girl. So she screams with joy and I caught it perfectly on camera. I yelled at her and said mom, dad doesn't know yet. She immediately crumbles up the onesie into her chest and goes marching over to dad.

She asks dad what he did with his present and he told her he had put it on his desk. To which she responds "you need to go open it RIGHT NOW." So we go into my dads office and he's playing along with Kayleb "am I supposed to open this Kayleb" to which we respond NO papa eat the cupcake. Dad then tells us that he hasn't had lunch yet to which we respond we don't care then share the cupcake with Kayleb. Apparently in transition the cupcake had toppled over a little and the frosting on the top had gotten smashed so when dad when to open it he turns with the biggest grin and says "WAIT theres PINK inside, IS IT A GIRL? Did you find out today?" To which I shook my head his response was literally identical to Eric's "Are you sure??" Men. But the smile on my daddy's face was priceless and I can't wait to see him with this little girl. 

How far along?
11 Weeks

Weight Gain
Up to 9lbs 

How big is baby?
A lime

What's baby up to this week?
Critical part of baby's organ system development is over and baby will rapidly grow in size by next week. 

Not a whole lot this week actually felt really great and got back into the swing of working out.

Maternity Clothes?
NOPE and honestly if I keep going at this rate I am hoping I can just make it with what I have and workout clothes. Perks of a job where I don't have to change much. 

Sleep has been much better other than the occasional getting up in the middle of the night to pee. 

Missing Anything?
Nothing really this week. 

SWEETS ugh they can be my nemesis but mainly gummy bears and sweedish fish (like I could eat a whole bag in ONE sitting) not good for my nutrition lol. 

Nothing really this week, was finally able to cook and stand it so that was good. 

Happy finding out that everything was ok with baby, that it was A GIRL, and that my lymphnodes had gone down all in all it was a really good week. 

Nope I would hope not lol. 

Best Moment of the week
Telling my hubby and the fam we were having a girl. We are waiting to tell Jayden until we can do something fun with him. 

Pregnancy Brain Moments
Most days I feel like a chicken with my head cut off but nothing sticks out in particular.  

Looking forward to?
Now that we know the gender and we know everything is ok next week we are going to announce it "to the world" lol facebook that we are expecting number 4

Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Not going to lie I may or may not have purchased a few onesies already. Man am I in for being broke the rest of my life. 

This week was really great, nutrition was back on track. Meals planned and prepped. I have actually gotten in 4 runs around 3-4 miles each and worked out 5 times this week. Really feeling like I am back into my old self and its been great getting out and running with Jayden again. I am starting Master Hammer and Chisel next week (modified of course) and really looking forward to getting back into some lifting.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Week 10

This week has been a SERIOUS stretch. We are going on 2 weeks of everyone being sick. Eric had strep, then Jayden got the flu. I'm pretty sure the babies had it, so we treated them as if they did. To say that took a toll on this momma is a complete understatement. This weekend I wanted to do NOTHING but sleep. Jayden missed an entire week in a half of school and then next week is his Spring Break. So all three kids non stop at home, sick, not sleeping and irritable makes for one tired momma. 

This week I did have my genetics blood test on Monday, which will tell us if the nugget has any genetics issue as well as the gender! SAY WHHHAAT. I am going to attempt to keep it a surprise for a little bit, if I can. 

 A quick update on the lumps on my throat. The left one appears to have gotten moderately larger by the touch. Before you could not really feel the left one at all and this week you could. The right one has grown slightly. I touched base with the ENT who wanted to proceed with the next sonogram instead of waiting. So that is scheduled for Monday morning as well as my next OB sonogram/appointment. If you haven't guessed already, I was in no mood to take a picture this week. 

How far along?
10 Weeks

Weight Gain
Holding steady at 6lbs

How big is baby?
A prune

What's baby up to this week?
All of baby's organs are forming and beginning to function. She is also growing tiny nails on her toes and fingers as well as the start of teeth. 

Nothing really again I keep saying I forget that I am pregnant (which is crazy to me) although I did feel slightly more bloated this week and of course the peeing non stop and in the middle of the night gets old. But after training for a fitness competition last year and having to drink multiple gallons a day its not unusual for me to have to pee a lot. 

Maternity Clothes?
No and I actually feel really good this week. I took a gander at some pics from Kaylebs pregnancy (Baby #2) and decided I was going to kind of compare journeys; since well #3 didn't really do a whole lot of pics. 

Somewhat better this week but on the tail end of all of this sicknesses it was quite brutal. I finally slept through the night last night and so did everyone else PRAISE THE LORD. I will say my body has been naturally waking me up at 5am without my alarm and just being wide awake. As opposed to past pregnancies where at this point in time I couldn't pull myself out of bed. I do try and make it a point to take a nap during the day though if at least for 30 minutes. I find it helps my energy so much in the afternoon; doesn't always happen but I attempt to. 

Missing Anything?
Have I said a glass of wine (insert eye roll) 3 boys (4 including the hubby) 2 weeks of sickness and just irritable momma desperate need of a glass of wine. Also, sleep but that is nothing new.

RANDOM - One night my bestie texted me when I hadn't cooked my planned dinner with what she was having (Panda Express) and I instantly had a craving for it and had to get it. I don't even like Chinese food, AT ALL, but I sure did that night. 

Nothing really this week, was finally able to cook and stand it so that was good. 

For the most part I was just exhausted this week. I did become quite the raging biotch on Sunday when momma had just had enough. I got over it by the end of the night but I was on one and no one needed to be in my warpath. 

Nope I would hope not. 

Best Moment of the week
Knowing that we will know the gender soon is pretty cool. I have never (LIKE EVER ask anyone) said I wanted a girl but I would be lying if I didn't say a small part of me is hoping for one. Though I have no idea what I would do! I feel like this pregnancy is going about the same as others and if that's any indication of the past I am betting I am going to be extremely outnumbered!! 

Pregnancy Brain Moments
I was out to lunch with a friend at a restaurant I frequent regularly. I order the same thing every time, I don't even need a menu.  So I ordered what I assumed was my normal only to realize I had confused the meat! The waitress must of thought I was crazy when I was like "oh this is not what I wanted." I am totally blaming this on pregnancy brain.

Looking forward to?
Sonogram next week I always love because it gives me a piece of mind and I get to see the nugget; I guess you could say that's one perk of being High Risk, I  get more pictures. Plus finding out what we are having and figuring out how we are going to tell everyone! 

Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Not yet

This week felt like normal and it was wonderful. Got almost all but one workout in for the week and even went on a 3 mile walk/jog with the kids at our normal trail. It felt AMAAZING. Finally feeling like I am back in my old groove. I restarted Core De Force and really dialling in on my nutrition. I said from the beginning I wanted this to be my healthiest pregnancy yet and while that hasn't been necessarily the case as much as I would have liked I feel like I am on a good path. Thinking of starting another round of Whole30 next week and getting really back on track. 

So I was looking back at my old pregnancy photos and thought it would be kind of fun to compare pictures as I go along in this journey. In my line of work pictures are HUGE in showing transformation. MAN if a picture doesn't say a 1000 words. I am an ENTIRELY different person this go around and even with the health issues, I am so much healthier with this baby than with ANY of my other pregnancies. It's kind of cool and satisfying at the same time. People say it all the time, you can't get healthy after having kids, or there is no hope as a mom of littles. I beg to differ with ya. 

Week 9

It has been a chaotic week in the Taylor household. Every single person in this house has been sick. On top of that, I was travelling. Lets just say it has been brutal. Thankfully there has been no doctors appointments or followups, so I had a bit of a break from that. I left early Friday morning for my first ever invite event for Beachbody and I was blown away. I had an AMAZING time with some other coaches from my larger team and it couldn't have come at a better time. With everything that has been going on it was really nice to get away and recharge. I got the opportunity to tour Beachbody headquarters and workout with Joel and Jericho from my current workout program, Core De Force. One of those "get your butt back into workout gear" experiences. Plus as a mom who works from home every day, and lives in workout clothes, it was nice to get dressed up and spend a little time in adult only conversation.

How far along?

Weight Gain
I actually went down a lb (thanks to some dialed in nutrition) and am right on track with where I should be at about 5lb gain. 

How big is baby?
Gren Olive

What's baby up to this week?
This week his/her tail disappears and fingers and toes have formed. His head is still larger and his eyes are fully developed but will be fused shut for the next 16 weeks or son. 

Nothing honestly I keep saying I forget I am pregnant. I mean with 3 kiddos exhaustion and lack of sleep is a regular soooooo that's nothing new. I was a little jet lagged after such long plane ride but short trip so Monday was just a rest and relaxation day. 

Maternity Clothes?
NO and my plan is to go as long as possible. Thankfully my work attire consists of workout clothes everyday so praying I make it this go round. I actually felt cute in a dress I haven't worn for a while why I was in LA so that was nice. I will say this go around has been different body comparison wise. I have worked extremely hard for the past 2 years to get my body to where its at and its CRAZY different it responds when I have been in the healthiest shape of my life even at 31 and after 3 kids. 

I crave it, need it, want it, 

Missing Anything?
I had to bypass on the free drink tickets in LA (bummer) I am not an alcoholic by any means haha but its always nice to enjoy a beverage when you are socializing with other adults and the craving was something fierce when a couple of us went out for dinner and drinks. So I substituted and had a mango mocktiny lol. 

I actually did pretty well this week packed my snacks for trip and munched on those (though somehow some gummy bears did sneak there way in there) but I was definitely more famished then normal and wanted to EAT ALOT. 

Still pretty much the cooking of food or smell of food at night. Other than that nope.

Pretty happy this week other than the fact that I was dealing with sick people lol. 

Nope I would hope not lol. 

Best Moment of the week
Getting a mommy work weekend away and feeling refreshed personally and professionally. 

Pregnancy Brain Moments
Ugh so I had this moment at the airport that was AWFUL. Most don't know but because my kids names are hyphenated I kept my maiden name as well but only go by Taylor. Welllll at the airport security Friday morning (after an already crazy uber driver, super long bag check lines) I made it through the security line like 30 min before my flight (like when we should be boarding) only to have a butt head of security guy whom because you could only see Bissonnette on my boarding plane and not Taylor wouldn't let me through EVEN though its on my license. So imagine me back in toe, tears streaming down my face about to miss my flight having to run all way back to ticket counter to have them make the font smaller to fit the whole dang thing. Thankfully a nice lady let me cut back in the security line and I literally made it as they were boarding the last group. But it was not exactly how I wanted to start my trip. 

Looking forward to?
Getting back into the swing of things with work after an emotional couple of weeks and finally feeling up to working out more than 2 times a week. 

Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Nope nothing yet 

This week made me feel like my old self again. After the live workout with Joel and Jericho I was soooo ready to jump back into Core De  Force faithfully. I made it Monday-Friday with only missing Thursday and felt really great going into the weekend. 

Week 8

This week was bit more calm, less activities, appointments, etc and not much has changed on any fronts. Monday was officially fourteen days of the antibiotic and also my second OB appointment and sonogram. Due to all of my issues I will be at the doctors office pretty much every two to three weeks to check on things. Baby is looking great and growing; he/she is measuring just a few days short of my actual date; which isn't anything new with my kiddos. All of my blood work came back great and things on the pregnancy side look great.

The lump on my throat hasn't subsided at all so I called and made an appointment with the ENT. I saw him on Wednesday and we decided to schedule an additional sonogram at twelve weeks. This would allow us time to decide if we are going to proceed with the biopsy since that is a more opportune time for myself and for the baby. 

The ENTIRE family has been sick this week which has been brutal. Eric was diagnosed with strep throat and Jayden shortly followed with the flu. Everyone is on some sort of antibiotic including myself (tamiflu because doctor didn't want to risk it). I leave for LA at the end of this week for a conference so I cannot afford to be sick. 

How far along?
8 Weeks

Weight Gain
I am up 6lbs from pre pregnancy weight but honestly I am attributing that to the CRAP I overloaded on last week with the emotionally induced stressed week. Time to get back on track with nutrition. 

How big is baby?
A raspberry

What's baby up to this week?
Head is proportionally bigger than the rest and ears and eyelids are developing. Fingers and toes are developing from the buds and baby now as wrists. Heart rate is 140-170

Nothing honestly I keep saying I forget I am pregnant. I mean with 3 kiddos exhaustion and lack of sleep is a regular soooooo that's nothing new. 

Maternity Clothes?
NO and my plan is to go as long as possible. Thankfully my work attire consists of workout clothes everyday so praying I make it this go round 

With two toddlers who fight sleep like nothing else and a husband who works nice this is give or go on any given night. 

Missing Anything?
Nothing really yet other than a nice glass of wine, or mexican drink. Thankfully I have been through THREE pregnancies during the summer so I know the struggle I am about to face of not having a beverage outside sitting by the pool. 

SWEETS, SWEETS, AND MORE SWEETS. Just like my other pregnancies my go to's are gummy bears, sweedish fish and Fruity Pebbles. Not exactly on my clean eating plan which is why nutrition is going back to the basics in the coming weeks. 

Cooking dinner at night or the smell of cooking food. I can meal plan and prep like a fool but by the time dinner rolls around totally not feeling it and makes me gag. 

I have been an emotional wreck the past several weeks with everything being thrown at us. Trying to control the emotions but easier said than done. 

Nope I would hope not lol. 

Best Moment of the week
Telling the kiddos they were going to be getting a new  baby brother or sister. It's wasn't anything huge, we were just lounging around having a lazy Saturday morning in bed with cartoons and everyone was in our bed AS ALWAYS. Eric and I were talking about something and he started to play the "Jayden we have something to tell you" I had wanted to wait to tell them because I hadn't told my parents yet and I knew once we told Jayden he wouldn't be able to keep a secret lol. Eric finally told him and he didn't believe us for the longest (probably because we have played this trick on him before) lol finally we told him we weren't joking and he was like ok WHAT IS IT lol. He was actually able to keep the secret for a couple of weeks until we told Mom and Dad. Kayleb now refers to it has "MY BABY" which should be interesting given he's the bully of the family. 

Pregnancy Brain Moments
I would forget my head if it wasn't attached lol enough said. 

Looking forward to?
LA this weekend with 200 other coaches. This is my first invite only event and I am so excited. 

Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Negatory if this child is another boy then welp there is really no need other than diapers lol. 


Was much better this week compared to last I was able to get 2-3 workouts in along with some yoga and stretching. I am finding that its a difficult balance of both pregnancy (especially first trimester) and adrenal fatigue so I am trying to find my groove. 

Week 7

Where do I even begin. To say this week was horrendous is an understatement. I knew going into it that it was going to be a long and exhausting week but I wasn't prepared for all that happened. Eric had a REALLY large event going on at work that constituted him working close to 80 hours in a week. I braced myself for being mom/dad, chauffeur, chef, maid, coach, and then some. What I didn't expect was for shit to hit the fan starting Monday and turning my week upside down.

Let me back up; a couple of weeks ago in the midst of being adjusted by my chiropractor
she noticed a lump on my throat. She asked how long it had been there and I explained about 6ish weeks or so (end of November to beginning of December). I didn't think much of it because it didn't hurt. She instructed me to ask about it at my next appointment.

So Monday came and things were going normal. I had to take the kids to playcare, because I knew there was no way they'd sit through my first OB apptointment AND a sonogram. My appointment was at 9:30 and I arrived literally five minutes before (thanks to my crazy kids). I filled out the normal pre-pregnancy paperwork, and stats (weight, blood pressure; etc) and then had my sonogram. I saw the nugget for the first time measuring just a few days short of my calculated due date (but this is nothing new for my children). We discovered a cyst under the baby which again isn't unusual for me. In fact it is helping protect the baby until my placenta takes over but we still want to watch it to make sure it doesn't get to large. I then proceed to the exam room to speak with my Dr.; upon his exam we were chatting it up (I LOVE, and that is an understatement, my Dr he's been nothing but amazing for my last two pregnancies and I owe my children's life to him). So in conversation I remembered to ask him about our upcoming trip to Punta Cana in April. You see, this is no ordinary trip; I busted my tail and earned this trip fully paid for through my job as an online health and fitness coach with Beachbody. This was going to be Eric and I's first Beachbody trip together, a makeup honeymoon we didn't get and just simply some much over due time together. He immediately responded with NO; absolutely NOT because of the Ziki virus. Let's just say I almost lost it right there on the exam table. He then retracted and said we'll do some research, if it's on the CDC list then I'm going to go with no, if it's not then you are fine. I of course immediately started researching and panicking, may have shed a few tears, as I saw the Dominican Republic on the list.

As he continued his examination of me I mentioned the lump on my throat and about how long it had been there. He mentioned it was definitely enlarged more than normal and that he was slightly concerned. We had two options, we could start on an antibiotic to see if it went down or do an ultrasound. Since neither of us were too fond of doing and antibiotic so early in my first trimester, I opted for the ultrasound. They called down to the ultrasound folks and they were actually able to get me in that afternoon, which meant I would have to bring the boys. I then went down the hall for my fourth round of pregnancy blood work, which took forever, and I ended up being at the doctors office for about three hours. I left there, hurried to pick up the kids, fed them some lunch then came back to the hospital for my sonogram on my neck. In doing the ultra sound the lady confirmed that my right lymph node was moderately to significantly enlarged (2.5x3cm) which was in fact about 2-4 times the size of my other one.

You can imagine the amount of things going through my mind, the unknowns, the questions, the really not being able to communicate ANY of this to my husband because of how tied up he was. So Monday started in pure craziness.

Fast forward to Wednesday morning and I'm at church. The doctors office called right in the middle, so of course I answered it. The doctor wanted to put me on an older antibiotic for longer period of time (14 days) to see if it would decrease the swelling, and it wouldn't harm the baby. Thirty minutes later she called me back and said he just came out again and wanted me to call and give you a number to an ENT, (Ear, nose and throat doctor). If at the end of the fourteen days it has not gone down he wants you to see this ENT and potentially have it biopsied. She also mentioned that he was extremely hard to get into; to which I asked if I should go ahead and call now so that I could get in at the end of my fourteen days, just in case.

After church I called the ENTs office and it just so happened that he had a rare opening that next morning, so I of course hopped on that immediately. Thursday morning rolls around, I drop the kids off at playcare and headed to the appointment. I spent about an hour and half in the appointment with the doctor. He was one of the most kind and thorough doctors I have ever met and answered all of my questions and concerns with care. He didn't sugar coat anything and was very up front with me. We spent some time going over my history over the past several years and all of that. He then explained to me that because of the size of the lymph node; and some things I disclosed about my history that I had been experiencing that he was concerned with the possibility of this being lymphoma. He stated he wanted me to finish out the antibiotic that we had started and if things hadn't changed what would probably need to happen next.

First and foremost is the safety of myself and the baby and that will always be his main concern. If after the fourteen days it does not subside, he is going to want to do a biopsy. He explained the three types; local, needle and open biopsy. Due to my blood clotting disorder and the fact that I'm on Lovanox the local was out of the question. The needle biopsy would not give him enough tissue to be able to grow the cells needed to determine the type (hodgkins vs non hodgkins lymphoma) so therefore that meant we would have to do an open biopsy. This is extremely risky because I have a blood clotting disorder and we would have to wait until my second trimester for the best interest of the baby and myself. He explained that basically the difference between hodgkins and non hodgkins lymphoma would essentially boil down to how we would treat the cancer.

Thankfully Eric was home after this appointment and we were able to discuss completely everything that had happened the past several days. To say that I was an emotional wreck is probably an understatement. That week ended and I was emotionally, physically, mentally drained. So for now we play the waiting game.....

Nutrition and Exercise
One of the things I promised I would document on my journey is my continued effort with my nutrition and exercise. As a health and fitness coach I pride myself on being 100% real and raw. I'll be COMPLETELY transparent in that this week NOTHING was on point. My nutrition and my exercise were pretty much non existent, minus a yoga session I attempted to calm my nerves. My nutrition was probably the worst it has been in years. I am a recovering emotional eater; you throw in all that had happened and the amount of exhaustion I was feeling not only from growing a tiny human but raising three tiny humans and lets just say I didn't make the wisest choices. Thankfully Thursday I sat down and mapped out what the next week would look like and went back to my Whole30 Meal Plan to help me refocus my attention and energy. I only gained 2 lbs this week but way more than what I was wanting this early in the pregnancy.