Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Week 13 - UGH not my favorite week

This by far has been my LEAST favorite week of this pregnancy. The week started off great I was feeling AMAZING, nutrition was on point, exercise was great, just loving life AND then that all changed on Wednesday. Tuesday the boys and I took a stroll to the park, I had worked out that morning and then we went on a slight walk/job after we had a picnic lunch. Let me preface this by saying I have a really high pain tolerance. In fact after the last 2 pregnancies the nurses thought I was crazy because I barely wanted any ibu immediately after giving birth let alone and of the strong stuff. I also suffer from cysts on my ovaries and can take them to a pretty high tolerance before it has be doubling over. So Tuesday morning when I felt a little cramping (were talking SUPER minor) in my book I didn't think anything of it, but I noted it in my brain. Went about my day had a great day with the kiddos, felt amazing, nothing out of the ordinary. Tuesday's are my late night's because I have team calls and so by the time I rolled around to getting in the shower it was almost 11:30pm. By this time Eric had gone to work and everyone was asleep.

Sitting in the drs office not particularly happy. 

A little TMI but I had on black underwear that day and then some green running shorts, with that stupid white liner in that we all hate. Well when I went to go take a shower I noticed that in the liner (not my underwear since it was black and which is probably why I didn't notice it all day) that there was blood. Of course this immediately raised some red flags because well I don't ever spot and then I remembered the cramps from earlier. Needless to say I didn't sleep much that night and when 8:30 rolled around the next morning I called the dr. Who told me to go ahead and come in so they could check me out. I told him what I had noticed (to which he also asked if I had worked out that day) which he already knew the answer too lol since he knows how I am. He checked my cervix and saw a little spotting and little girl was moving a 100 miles and hour but he was able to finally get her heartbeat with the doppler thing. But to be on the safe side he wanted me to wait and have a sonogram done.

I had a feeling going into the sonogram that I knew where this was headed (but I was praying I was wrong). As she did the sonogram she basically what she saw was that my placenta (which should normally be at the top above baby) was at the bottom and literally covering my cervix. So what was happening was every time I worked out or did anything strenuous it was breaking those blood vessels which was causing me to bleed and cramp. We had to wait to confirm but I knew this meant NO MORE WORKING OUT for the time being. He walked into his office and confirmed the inevitable that for the time being I had to stop running, and working out. I could walk (to which I responded could I do some Yoga even though I HATE yoga but I needed something) and he said yes a moderate yoga. Basically nothing that was going to put pressure on my pelvic area; including sex (sorry hunny). With me only being 13 weeks he was not going to call it placenta previa (as that's diagnosed later on) and the hope is that it will migrate to the top like its supposed to and then all will gone on as scheduled. My next appointment is schedule for April 3rd and I am PRAYING that it has migrated because I am feeling great and want to continue on this healthy journey BUT at the end of the day the goal is to keep baby girl and I healthy and so that's the plan.

Saturday was SUCH a fun day because we let Jayden find out and tell the world that we were having a girl. His facial expressions were quite priceless. #momfail of the week was taking pictures with the DLSR camera and didn't realize the SD card wasn't in there so no pictures but did capture it on video and it was quite hilarious.

Check it out here. 

The rest of the week was pretty low key UNTIL Eric, Kayleb and I so unfortunately got food poisoning. Sunday was a gorgeous day outside and we haven't grilled in a while so I decided I wanted to do hot dogs and hamburgers. Our Target is in the process of remodeling and I think somewhere the hot dogs must have been left out to long or something because the 3 of us were the only ones who had them and it was awful. It started Sunday night and lasted all day Monday. I went ahead and went to the dr to get checked out because I was cramping really bad and bleeding again and concerned something was wrong. Thankfully everything checked out ok and the doctor prescribed me some phenegren which did wonders.

Weight Gain
Down 5lbs thanks to food poisoning so total of 8lbs gained. 

How big is baby?
A peach or peapod

What's baby up to this week?
Baby girl's head and body are proportionally growing more in size. She is moving like crazy and flexing her arms and legs. All of which we can hear and see on the sonogram SO CUTE.  

Other than the bleeding and cramping we had no.

Maternity Clothes?
Nope and this week with everything that has been going on thankful I can just lounge around in sweats.

Good except the occasional to get up and pee but other than the one sleepless night and then the night everyone got sick I have slept fairly well. 

Missing Anything?
WORKING OUT and FOOD man oh man. I am truly missing my sweat dripping workouts. I know its for the greater good but its so hard to not do something you have become so accustomed to. 
The ability to EAT again. Yesterday and today have been the first full days I have felt like eating and man have I missed food so much.  

Pretty much EVERYTHING since Sunday. I honestly feel so sorry for those who suffer from morning sickness and I am so thankful I haven't experienced it because if its anything like what the past 2 days have been like I would have been dead to the world for 9 months.

This week has been a little of mixed emotions. In the beginning I was sad and down for some it may not seem like a big deal but honestly exercising and working out has become my anxiety and depression drug and so when I don't have that to plug into (and by the time I was able to walk after he said give it a couple of days we came down with food poisoning) so it hit me a little hard. I am praying things will be better by our appointment on Monday and if not will learn to cope with some walking with the boys until I can do more. But until I am learning to channel my energy into everything else. 

I know its crazy but I am almost positive I felt her move when I was laying on the couch just relaxing. I thought I was crazy so of course I googled it and it said that some moms of multiples can feel it as early as 13 weeks WHAAT. I haven't felt much since then so well see if it continues. 

Best Moment of the week
Letting Jayden see what we were having and him being able to tell everyone. I picked him up from Sunday School on Sunday and his teacher (who is friends with me on facebook) asked if I had announced it yet. I told her yes we did yesterday and she said ok good cause he just told me. I said oh he did; she had asked for prayer requests and his little hand shot up and said "yea my mom I am having a baby sister" talk about melt your heart. 

Pregnancy Brain Moments
Nothing really that I can think of

Looking forward to?
Our appointment on Monday and HOPEFULLY some good news.

Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Nothing yet but I am itching to start adding to her closet lol. 

UGH unfortunatley this one has been put on hold until further notice. BUT the good thing is up until the food poisoning incident meals were prepped and planned and ready to go. My goal is to stay dialed in on my nutrition and keep that turned up for the better and hopefully my body will respond appropriately.

Week 12

This week was pretty low key. No appointments or anything crazy happen. I did attempt my first round of photography of the boys (on my own) with my own little make shift studio and put together this little image to announce that we were expecting. I am not going to lie photography is AN ART and while I loooove it I don't know if I have the patience to learn all of it. But I would say for my first round it was pretty good for its use. The pictures TOOTALLY display the boys personalities so it will be interesting to see how they interact with this little girl.

Weight Gain
Up to 11lbs (but I am going to attribute this to me lifting again and hoping it levels out) I don't feel like I have gained that much. 

How big is baby?
A plum

What's baby up to this week?
Baby girl's eyes and face are becoming more defined and starting to take shape as are her nose and little chin. 

Feeling great this week and honestly full of energy (hello 2nd trimester)

Maternity Clothes?
Nope although I can tell a few of my shorts may have to be retired soon. 

Sleep has been much better other than the occasional getting up in the middle of the night to pee. 

Missing Anything?
Nothing really this week. 

Jersey Mikes WEIRD I know. I haven't had a Jersey Mikes sub since I was in college but Eric and I saw a commercial during one of the KU games and then it was all she wrote. We may or may not have had that several times this week. 

Not really anything that stuck out. 

Really happy this week, my energy is back and I am thankful for some great workouts. 


Best Moment of the week
Telling my team, and facebook that we were expecting and seeing everyone's reactions. 

Pregnancy Brain Moments
Ha YES total pregnancy brain. Wednesday Jay had practice and I thought I was getting him there early showing up at 10 til 6 only to realize practice started at 5:30. #momfail for the week. 
Looking forward to?
Jayden's been DYING to know what we are having so next week are going to let him do a little reveal on Facebook live to announce it. 
Projects/Baby Gear purchased?
Nothing this week but I have been pinning girl nursery stuff like CRAZY and can't quite decide what I want her room to look like. 

AMAAAZING. This week has been the first in MONTHS where I felt like my routine was back on track. Sunday I prepped all breakfasts and lunches, meals for dinner are planned and I all of my scheduled workouts went GREAT this week as did the couple extra runs I got in. I won't lie and say its been PRETTY AWESOME and I am looking forward to keeping this routine up. The boys and I had a great day at the park and a nice little run around the trail. Loved every minute of it.

This vs. That
I said that when photos would allow I would compare pregnancies. Here's a look at Week 12 of Kayleb and Week 12 of Baby Girl