So in life there are changes and with changes we have to adapt. At the end of January, Eric and I found out that we were expecting our second child. Since then it has been a whirl wind of emotions. I can honestly say that with Jayden I had one of the easiest pregnancies; from beginning until darn near the end. This one has been anything but; the only thing that has been consistent is that the nauseous and morning sickness. With either one of my chitlins I have yet to really experience that oh so not fun symptom.
However with the newest addition in a span of 3 months we have had at least a dozen Dr's. appointments and about as many sonograms. For those of you that don't know THAT'S NOT NORMAL. With normal pregnancies, you have an appt at your 8 week mark and then not again until like 12-15 weeks. So our first appointment was just me going in for routine blood work to confirm our 3 at home tests. Well when those results came back they showed that my progesterone levels were low. This is the hormone that's produced to strengthen the uterus to carry a baby to full term. So already I had high anxiety. So my Dr. put me on progesterone pills and I have been taking them ever since; my numbers elevated immediately and have continued to stay high (phew)!
So at our first actual prenatal checkup my doctor noticed that I had something unusual going on with my uterus and it was something that concerned him. So to keep an eye on it he had us come back 2 weeks later. The good thing about all of this, is that we have gotten to see pics of our little person almost every week if not every other week and that is not something that I got to do with Jayden (so I have def gotten spoiled at seeing the child and get disappointed when we don't have a sono, which has been very very rare.) They determined I have what is called a sepetated uterus; which in lamens terms just means scar tissue. But it connects from the top to the bottom, so it separates it into two spaces.
So at some point (forgive me it has all been a blur and of course I am claiming pregnancy brain) he decided he wanted to send us to a maternal and fetal specialist to check things out and make sure that it wasn't going to cause any problems. So on March 15th the Friday of my spring break we went and saw the specialist (and we had Jayden with us.) Let me just say that the specialist we saw was absolutely horrible. In fact that word doesn't even describe what I think about her. So to start off she tells me that the sepetated uterus will not cause any problems and will basically move out of the way. But then she goes on to say that she believes there are some developmental problems and she believes the baby has a chromosomal issues and that she thinks that the baby has something called Trisomomy 13. She then proceeds to tell me in so many not nice words that there is no hope for our child (remember Jayden was with us.) So to determine for sure if anything was truly wrong, we did the blood work to check for chromosomal abnormalities (so basically this Dr. just told us all of this horrifying news, off a whim and something she thought she saw mind you I was only 10 weeks when she was looking at the sonogram). So as I tried to hold it together and not start hyperventilating (I was already crying), we left the Dr's office, with nothing but broken hearts and no information.
The next 2 weeks were a blur for me, I did my best to continue to stay positive and wait for any news of what the future would hold. We asked all of our friends and family that knew to send as many prayer warriors that they could and I put all trust I had into our Savior (which is something I can honestly say I had been struggling with.) In my heart I honestly did not think that there was anything wrong with my child; it was just a gut feeling I had. However, this lady had literally put the fear of hell into my system and it wasn't something I could shake. So on Wed. March 27th, we still hadn't heard anything from the nurse and I couldn't take it anymore; so I called. It was the most amazing phone call I had ever received. She confirmed what I had already known; all tests results came back NEGATIVE. I cannot tell you how relieved, jubilant, amazing and any other breathtaking emotion that I felt. Of course I immediately started crying and just let out a huge sigh. I then asked if I could call Eric so she could tell him as well. It was the first time since we had found out that I had ever felt so excited. She wanted us to keep our follow-up appointment (which had already been decided was with a different doctor).
So today on April 4th, we met with our new specialist and he was absolutely wonderful. Her mere voice was comforting to hear. He was so empathic (unlike the previous), and out of his own mouth, said that if he didn't know our history he would say he was looking at a healthy baby. He saw no cause for concern, nor had any bad news. He does want us to see him one more time at around 20 weeks and have a routine checkup with the cardiologist just to ensure there is nothing structurally wrong. If all goes well, we do not have to go see him anymore and can just see our regular OBGYN. We discussed with him our concerns about his partner and he was mortified and assured us that it never should have happened. There are ways to be concerned and prepare yourself for the worst, but a patient should never be told something unless it was definitive. He encouraged us to write a letter to their practice manager addressing our concerns (which I will be doing.) So today at exactly 14 weeks pregnant we could proudly exclaim to the rest of the world how SUPER excited our whole family is. I cannot wait to begin this new journey with my boys and am loving where it is taking us.
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