A new month; a new week; means a fresh start.
A goal without a plan is just a wish. People ask me all the time now I'm able to juggle everything and still be successful. It's because I've become habitual about my routines. Sunday's are planning days; meal planning, work planning, goal planning, life planning, kid planning. The only way you are going to set yourself up for success is by having A PLAN.
You ask any successful person and they will tell you; when they took the time to make a plan things skyrocketed. You name it your nutrition isn't great; make a plan. Your fitness is off track; make a plan and schedule. Your always feeling rushed and kids have a million things to do; write out a schedule. Need more time with your spouse; plan a DATE NIGHT but put it on the calendar. The point is nothing in life works WITHOUT A PLAN!
So how do you get on track when life already seems CRRAAZZY. The first thing I like to do is create a COMMAND station. In our household we have a couple of those. We have synced calendar on our phone so that as we input or update activities everyone can see and be informed. The second thing I do is I sit down each week and I not only map out our activities for the week, I block off times, create our meal plan and grocery list and do everything I can to get things prepped ahead of time.
In the beginning it may take you a little bit longer but it will save you hours of time in the future and throughout the week. I always say there is a little bit of a learning curve when it comes to meal planning especially.
So here are my TOP TIPS for MEAL PLANNING.
1. K.I.S.S. - Keep it simple silly. DO NOT OVER THINK IT. One of the most common mistakes I see with challengers is that they try and over complicate things and put too many items on a meal plan making it difficult to keep up with. There are TONS of meal plans, recipes and others on the world wide web aka PINTEREST.

3. PLAN it AHEAD OF TIME. - I typically do my meal planning on Thursday/Friday that way I can grocery shop on Saturday and Meal Prep on Sunday.

get it done in around 30-45 minutes. It is just like everything else; the more you practice the better you get.
5. Write out your grocery list AND post your menu in the kitchen - Writing out your grocery list ahead of time, cuts down on the aimlessly walking through the store, throwing things into your basket. Not only that when you ONLY put on your list what you need, you will be surprised at how much $$$ you are going to SAVE. Also check out sale ads for your local grocery store, by discounted fruits and veggies, make sure things are in season (if not they jack up the prices). For me I shop at several places; Trader Joes or Aldi, Costco and Target. The majority of our groceries though come from Trader Joes.

When it comes to getting the BEST results possible you can't just show up to your workouts and press play. You have to give it over and above effort. Increasing your weights, upping the intensity, holding your plank for just a little bit longer and not quitting before it's over. SURE when we workout at home no one else is around and no one will know if we did it or not. BUT your results are what will tell the truth! If you slacked in the kitchen it shows in results.
I just restarted The Masters Hammer and Chisel this week so I am really dialing in on my nutrition. With summer coming up and lots of trips planned, I want to make sure that I am shorts and swimsuit ready.
Here is my plan for the week! I hope this helps and gives you some guidance on how I structure my plan!
If you are interested in working with me to lose the last 10 lbs join me on Monday May 2nd for a 30 day group that is guaranteed to challenge you, stretch you to the limits and help you crush your own personal goals!!
Apply Here: http://goo.gl/forms/PMdAIABEpN
All the details on the Busy Moms Bikini Bootcamp group are here!!! CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.