Ok this post is going to be quite long as you can imagine and it's long over due but I figured if I don't get it done now then I won't ever get it done. Tuesday Sept 10th was a day like any others. Tuesday's are game days for us so I knew it was going to be a long one. My kids were preparing for a test the next day so it was extra quiet in my class. I was peeing every 30 min like always but I did notice brown discharge indicative that I was losing my mucus plug (TMI) I know but it's what prompted me to think something was different. I just knew something didn't feel quite right and I was clearly foreshadowing what would happen later that night. I went about my day like any other; after school I decided I wanted to walk to Jayden's school and bring him over since our game was at home. Of course he complained cause it was SUPER hot but it was nice to have him with me.
I didn't really notice any contractions or anything different and went on with the night. Eric came and picked him up and I coached our team. We finished around 8 and I headed home, ate a bowl of cereal and conversed with Eric for about 40 min and then we were in bed by 9:30; a typical night for us. Around 11:45 I woke up to pee; nothing unusual for me but something seemed a little different and when I reached down I felt something wet on the bed. I got up and ran to the bathroom and thankful I made it because as soon as I did there was a gush of fluid.
I sat there for a minute a little in shock and surprised. I went out into the bedroom and shook Eric to wake him up. I said "hunny I think my water broke" his response "are you sure" I was like uhhh sir hello do you not see the bed. Now mind you he had taken Tylenol PM and was a little out of it BUT STILL. I went back in the bathroom and started getting a few things gathered up, I came back out and he was still laying there asleep. I said are you going to get up and he was like I thought you were going to take a shower (the whole time I was pregnant I had told him if my water breaks I am going to take a shower and wash my hair. I knew it would be a couple of days before I felt like doing that, however that didn't happen). Now I had everything prepared; all the bags packed for my induction EXCEPT a bag for Jayden. I wasn't anticipating my water breaking because every time I went to the doctor there was no change. So I spent the next hour getting his school stuff ready, his lunch made, clothes packed etc. while Eric packed the things we still needed like computers, chargers, and cameras. We finally walked out of the house around 12:45. I wasn't too worried, nor was I having any strong contractions so we just took our sweet time. Thankfully my best friend Alexis lives literally across the street, so Eric walked Jayden over there and I got into the car.
At 1:15 we walked into our labor and delivery room where you would be born.
I went in and of course had to take my last pregnancy pic in the bathroom. At 36 weeks and 6 days this was the last the I'd see myself pregnant. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't ecstatic to not be pregnant anymore, but I knew I'd miss the feeling of having you in my belly and not having to share. It is a special feeling to grow you in my stomach and to share something that only you and I can share. But I was ready for you to be here!!!
Initially when the nurse checked me I was only at a 3 in pregnancy terms I needed to get to a 10 so I knew I had a long way to go. Not going to bore you with the details so I spent the next 12 hours being pumped with pitocin, antibiotics and fluids. My contractions weren't terrible and I really wanted to go without an epidural. So those 12 hours were spent sleeping, eating ice and Popsicles and watching TV. Your daddy was getting plenty of rest that's for sure.
All gussied up in my hospital gown; just waiting for your arrival.
Daddy was clearly getting some sleep, while I was busy having a photo shoot in the hospital room to keep myself entertained.
This is what happens when you are bored at night, there is nothing on TV and you are super anxious waiting for your little one's arrival.
A pregnant girls favorite, ice chips, popsicles and my favorite movies.
Wednesday morning after we had both gotten some sleep.
By 1130 am I had only progressed to a 7. My contractions were bearable but getting tougher, I went back and forth on what I wanted to do as far as getting an epidural. I had said from the beginning that my goal was to go natural. After 12 hours and bearing with it I knew the worst was yet to come and I was really torn. But when the nurse came in and said the anesthesiologist had a scheduled c section at 12:30 and this would probably be my last chance; I said bring it on. Now you hear horror stories all of the epidurals, I didn't have a huge problem with Jayden, so I wasn't scared. However things were totally different with you, I will say that of the entire delivery, the epidural was by far the worst part. Eric said he had never seen me so upset and that was the hardest part for him. Apparently because of how big my belly was, a. I couldn't bend over as much as I needed to and be my spinal column wouldn't open up like it should so that she could insert it. So it took her a grueling 20-25 minutes to finally get it in, all the while she had to keep poking and I was feeling an unbearable shooting pain down my right hip; it was horrible. I was definitely upset and cried, but I sat there and didn't move until she was finally able to get it in. As much as I wanted to go natural I was ok with my decision to get the epidural, it was much different from when I had Jayden. With Jayden my entire lower half went numb and I couldn't move at all, with the new medicine I was still able to move my legs, but felt no pain. I was able to relax and get some rest for the next couple of hours.
Yes I was even working while I was in the delivery room. It passed the time especially since I wasn't exactly set up to leave work for 3 more weeks.
Around 3:45 I was definitely feeling some pressure and the next time our nurse came into check me she said I was ready to go. She had me do a couple of trial pushes and then was like "woah, woah, woah", I am going to need you to not push cause he is right there. We were definitely ready for your arrival; your dad even got to wear scrubs.
She called Dr. Ricks and then a whirlwind of people came in. I love my Dr. he is very charismatic, easy going and really helped me with this difficult pregnancy. However he has a tendency to talk a lot. So here he is carrying on conversations with all of the nurses and Gina was like Dr. Ricks I am going to need you to get your gloves on, she had my push twice and he no sooner turned around from putting his gloves on and you were out. It was an amazing feeling and I immediately started crying. your dad cut the umbilical cord and then they were rushing around getting him all taken care of. I heard one little whimper and that was it. At 4:27pm on Sept. 11th you; Kayleb James made your entrance weighing in at 5.6lbs and 18 inches long.
Moments later you; my second little precious angel were laying on my chest, I was in absolute shock that you were finally here and I had never felt happier. Words cannot describe the emotion and the feeling of becoming a mother; whether it's the first time, the second time or fifth time, nothing ever replaces that feeling.
It is truly amazing to be blessed with God's miracles and I am so thankful to have two of them in both you and your brother.
Absolutely precious you were!
Daddy truly loves both of his boys and I have never seen him happier than with the 2 of you.
I seriously do not know what would of happened in this pregnancy or with youif it were not for this man. Your dad and I couldn't be more thankful for how cautious and how great he is at his job. I truly believe he saved your life. From the very beginning of my pregnancy when things were kind of gray, he told me medicine aside there is nothing bigger than the power of prayer. When you were born healthy as a whistle, the first thing he said to me was "see what a little power of prayer does" I bursted into tears because I knew he couldn't be more right, you were my miracle baby.
We couldn't be happier that God brought this sweet baby boy into our lives.
I cannot express enough gratitude to the hospital staff. I truly had an unbelievable experience there. For the duration of my labor from start to finish I had 2 nurses one at night and one in the morning. I was their only patient and they took great care of me. I never felt like I was just a patient and Gina especially helped me with the actual delivery; she was such a sweetheart.
They do this awesome thing at the hospital where they gave your dad a scrub to wear during the delivery and then once that you were born they take your foot prints and put them directly on the scrub where his heart is. It was such a neat thing and you can tell daddy really enjoyed it.
They say the Lord works in mysterious ways and I know he does, I am so thankful that he brought my best friend up from Houston and not only that but for her to live right across the street. It was no coincidence that on the night I went into labor, she had actually already called in for the next day because her son was sick. We were so thankful that Auntie Alexis was able to watch Jayden that night, get him off to school and then pick him up and bring him to the hospital.
It was such a fun experience getting to see your big brother come into the hospital room and meet you for the first time. He has been so excited for months and even created a countdown until the day I was scheduled to be induced. His first words were "I think he's pretty cute, we can keep him."
Your big brother couldn't wait to meet you and he is so gentle ; you would think he had done this before.
He was telling me how he had told all of his friends and teachers at school that his new baby brother was coming today. Kayleb your big brother loves you so very much and was already so protective of you.
God brought you into our lives and we couldn't be more grateful. We are so excited to start on this journey and next chapter as a family of four. Both of my children came into my life at pivotal moments and I know I would not be the woman I am without the both you and your brother. We are so blessed to have been selected to raise you guys. Let the fun begin.
There is no greater gift than that of being a mother. We love you Jayden Charles and Kayleb James.