Monday, September 23, 2013

35 & 36 weeks of Pregnancy

So even though its way behind I wanted to get these posts out. So the last few weeks of my pregnancy were miserable. My fluid was continuing to go up which was making the sensitivity on my stomach even more uncomfortable.

I ended up in Labor and Delivery, Labor Day weekend (how fitting) with some awful cramping and pretty strong contractions. I wasn't dilated at all but my contractions were defiantly irritating my uterus and with all of my complications they didn't want to take any chances. They gave me the shot to stop my contractions, I stayed for a few hours to monitor and then went home.

With the startup of school, Jayden starting kindergarten, volleyball season and Jayden's baseball and soccer starting we were crazy busy. I was having games 2 nights a week, jaydens practice twice a week and Eric playing softball. Needless to say this momma was tired. 

Chillin at the hospital Labor Day weekend.